Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mt. Teneriffe Challenge

We hadn't planned on doing this hike on this day. We had another planned, but life is what happens when you're planning. With the weather that day, our other plans were washed out. So we were grateful to have such a beautiful alternative, and set out unsuspecting of how difficult this innocent trail would become. We started on a gentle little trail through a pretty, and young forest. Later we would be climbing through second and third growth forest.

Love to see a trail not get in the way of the trees.

Looking up we're seeing the first twinges of fall color.

Yes, it's a pileated woodpecker hunting bugs

Here's what it's like when you're off trail

And the rugged, rocky, uphill begins in earnest. There were so many switchbacks we quickly lost track. I wish I could tell you we made it triumphantly to the top, but not on this day. That's a 3,800 foot elevation gain.

And here's the misty, overcast overlook. On a clear day you can see all the way to Rainier from this North Bend hike! I vow to return.

Bridge to the falls. This very dry year of ours, the falls were not at their most robust. What a beautiful forest day, nevertheless.

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